Monthly Archives: October 2021

What Does a Flashing Check Engine Light Mean?

What Does a Flashing Check Engine Light Mean?

If something is troubling your car, you definitely want to be aware of it. Yet, the sudden and unanticipated outline of the check engine light can create a pit in your stomach. The check engine light is simply a notice that your car has a problem. But what if it starts blinking? Is that better, or is it worse? PURPOSE OF THE CHECK ENGINE LIGHT Before we get into the nitty-gritty, you should probably know more about the check engine light and how it works. Every car has a collection of sensors monitoring different parts. These sensors are constantly communicating with your onboard computer. When the computer detects a problem, it will try to correct the problem. It will signal to you for additional help if it can't fix itself, hence your dashboard warning lights.  The check engine light is unique to all the other lights as it could turn for multiple reasons, which is why it's imperative to take it to an auto repair shop. At the shop, our techs will run a scan for you to ... read more