Monthly Archives: February 2024

Does The Parking Brake Need To Be Maintained?

Does The Parking Brake Need To Be Maintained?

Vehicle maintenance is crucial for the smooth functioning of a car. However, some critical components, such as brakes, tires, and engine oil, take precedence over others. One such component that is often overlooked is the parking brake. But do we really need to maintain the parking brake? If yes, why is it necessary? The Importance of the Parking Brake The parking brake, also known as the emergency brake or handbrake, serves a crucial role in keeping your vehicle stationary when parked. While many modern vehicles have automatic transmission and park-lock mechanisms, the parking brake provides an additional layer of security, especially on inclines or when the primary braking system fails. 5 Signs That Your Parking Brake Needs Maintenance 1. Unusual Noises or Sensations When engaging or releasing the parking brake, you may notice unusual noises, such as grind ... read more