Posted on 1/31/2022

An alternator recharges your vehicle's electrical systems by providing your battery with a consistent charge. A faulty alternator may have a number of consequences for your car. Here are several warning symptoms to look out for that may suggest that there is a problem with your alternator: Weak or Dead Battery If your battery seems too weak or dies too often, it is possible that the alternator may be the culprit. It is typically too difficult to tell whether your battery, alternator, or both are affected, so it's best to take your car to an electrical auto expert. Blinking or Dimming Headlights Dimming headlights is a huge red flag when it comes to a malfunctioning alternator. If the lights seem to change according to your vehicle speed, it's most likely your alternator. You may notice that your dashboard is dimly lit as well. Flickering and fading lights are both signs that your alternator is becoming ineffective at providing your car with power. Electric Failur ... read more